Oil Painting Materials

Oil Painting Materials:
Synthetic brushes are good and cost effective. I like flat brushes, hair not too long (hard to control).

The best are: Winsor & Newton Monarch Brushes

Average quality: Winsor & Newton
Good quality: Gamblin
Great quality: Old Holland
Large tube of Titanium white
Small tube of Mars Black
Small tube of Burnt Sienna
2 sets of primary colors will be used to make all colors:
set 1: Cadmium Red Light, Hansa Yellow, Cerulean Blue
set 2: Quinacridone Violet, Cadmium Yellow Light, Ultramarine Blue

oms, GAMSOL - Odorless Mineral Spirits, for thinning paint and cleaning
16 oz, 32 oz

small bottle of linseed oil, any brand is ok
small bottle of poppy oil, any brand is ok
Fredrix Real Canvas Pad 18" x 24"
At the art supply warehouse

1 of 16 by 12
1 of 20 by 24
1 of 36 by 48
1 of 36 by 60
Intermediate and advance students: please choose canvasses of various sizes, small medium and large. Please do not get canvas pad. If you can afford…please buy canvasses that are not stapled on the side, but rather on the back, and are good quality (usually you will know by price).
Silcoil Brush Cleaning Jar

Several towels
Wax paper palate pad, a small pad is ok
Or, pick up a plastic tray (99 cent store) and aluminum foil (which you will use to cover the tray to make a palate)
Palate knife
Clingy plastic wrap (to protect paint from drying on the palate)
masking tape