189A -11472
189B - 11473
189C -11474
189 Painting
Room 1020
Mondays and Wednesdays 6pm until 9pm
Instructor: Chris Trueman ctrueman@fullcoll.edu
Beginning Painting is a course designed to acquaint students with the fundamental visual vocabulary of color, form and composition.
· Color has many attributes. Hue, value and intensity are the concepts that we will focus on initially.
· The fundamental elements of two-dimensional visual form will be explored in assigned projects with an emphasis on understanding and controlling the designated media.
· The study of basic composition in relation to concepts of space, mass, volume, and movement will be discussed and applied with a concentration on a variety of paint application techniques.
Intermediate students will work along with beginners on still life, portraits, and class collaboration. Each assignment will have two levels. Intermediate and Advance students will also work on their personal projects. Advance students will meet with me individually at the beginning of class, and we will set up individual projects for the entire semester. A clear proposal is expected during the first week of class.
Assessment of your work will be based on your ability to execute assignments within the specified parameters and timeframe. Work on projects will take place both in class and out of class. Find out what will be needed prior to each class and acquire it before hand. Work habits, effort, and improvement will be recognized as factors in grading.
60%: Assignments
40%: Attendance and participation
Assignments: All assignments must be completed on time. Late projects will be docked according to how late they are.
Attendance: Your presence is mandatory. It is important that you inform me before class about an absence or lateness due to an emergency. You are permitted to be late twice and to miss two classes for any reason whether sick or by choice (any assignment missed must be completed outside of class). After that, your participation grade drops one-third letter for each absence or lateness. (B becomes B-.) If there is a major incident (severe sickness or accident) please communicate with me and we can discuss alternative options. You are responsible for finding out what happened on the days you missed.
4. CLASS SCHEDULE: Assignments overview: Our assignments will include still life studies, self-portraits, landscapes, and abstraction. We will be looking at art history and contemporary art. Mid term and final assignments will require a written proposal and three sketches. Presentations will be combined with class critiques.
1. Introduction, review syllabus, class policies
2. Canvas building demonstration, Introduction to first project, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue and White studies: Still life using the assigned combination of colors as a way of introducing color mixing, warm and cool colors, value, hue, and intensity.
Introduction to the idea that it is not always what you paint but how you paint it.
*3. Monochromatic painting: we will discuss Ad Rehinardt’s ideas about his black paintings; we will approach the still life with one color and white. The second monochromatic assignment will be to approach a still life by making a black-on-black painting and a white-on-white painting.
*4. Full color painting: from a photograph
*5. Self portraits: an observational self-portrait, traditional structure
Self-portraits/ abstract (mid term): an open ended assignment for the student to explore the meaning of self portraiture, abstractions, expressiveness and inventiveness is encouraged
6. Critique
*7. Art history assignment: combining the work of a contemporary artist (living currently) with one from art history.
During the critique student will talk about the two artists that they made the work from and discuss how the two styles were integrated into a single painting.
*8. Introduce abstraction project, discuss various types of and strategies used in the Abstract painting tradition.
10. Critique and portfolio presentations.
*numbers do not correspond to actual class days, they just show the sequence of projects
Over the course of the semester you will be informed of the goals of each class and each assignment through handouts and lectures. We will begin with basic color theory, moving through issues of composition, observation and technique. You can expect to walk away from this class with an arsenal of painting vocabulary you can pull from throughout your careers as visual thinkers.
We will have weekly presentations of contemporary artists so that we can become familiar with artists who are shaping the current art world.
Glazing/traditional layering
Indirect painting
Direct painting
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